As you build your network through 15-Minute Ally Meetings, you’ll discover your people! You’ll *have* people, and that’s amazing! These meetings are never bad. But you may discover some people you don’t really click with. At worst, these meetings will be “meh.” The good news is that “meh” isn’t bad. It’s information! Not everybody has to be “your people.” Keep going and focus on building a network that feels right.
If you’re not sure what 15-Minute Ally Meetings are or the best way to use them, listen to episode 37 of my podcast, How to Build Trust at Work Using ‘15-Minute Ally’ Meetings.
Even if an ally meeting turns out to be "meh" you've made a new connection with someone who now knows who you are when you next join them in a meeting. Increasing your visibility - and knowing you made the ask - is a positive career move, even if the conversation wasn't your favorite. Congratulations!